Wildlife Removal.



Squirrels. You wait until they’re outside, you close up the point of entry, and they gnaw their way back in. Know why it’s so difficult to keep a squirrel out once they’ve gotten in your attic? Because they’ve marked it as theirs. That’s right. Your attic is now their territory. To get the squirrels out and keep them out, you need the Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control’s proven system.



It’s true that racoons are pretty cute, but they can also cause health problems and damage to your home. And with adults growing up to 50 pounds and living up to 12 years, having a racoon choose your house as his house can be a major problem. When it comes to trapping these smart, wily, and sometimes aggressive animals, call the experts at Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control.


You might not want to hear it, but bats are actually extremely helpful animals that keep us from being overrun with insects. Still, no one wants bat for roommates or officemates. That’s why Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control developed an environmentally-friendly and humane relocation method that will let the bats live a happy life somewhere off your property, then seal up your home so that no other bats take up residence.



Maybe all snakes give you the creeps, but it’s still illegal to kill any non-venomous snake in Georgia. And the truth is, snakes keep other pests under control, and keep the environment in balance. Still, it’s understandable that you don’t want to hang out with snakes by the pool in your leisure time. Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control is here to help.


No one wants to live or work with rodents, but introducing a poison into your home or office that could be fatal to children and pets is just not an option. Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control has a much better way of trapping rodents and then sealing your house or building to make sure they can never get back in.



There’s nothing worse than the smell of a skunk, but there’s no need to harm these sweet little animals, either. They’re using the only defensive move they have! Call Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control and we will whisk your resident skunk somewhere far away, where you won’t have to smell their defense wafting on the breeze.