Wildlife Solutions and Pest Control | Exclusion and Restoration

Exclusion + Restoration.

An animal has found its way into your home or commercial property, and that wild creature that looks so cute outside has become a little monster inside.

Maybe it’s chewed holes in the sheetrock or made nests in the attic. Maybe it relieved itself on some stored items that didn’t hold up so well after the experience.

When animals who belong out in the wild come inside your property, they do damage, and the sooner you call the experts at Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control for help, the safer you’ll be. Because today’s scratches on the floorboards could be tomorrow’s chewed wires causing an electrical fire. You need to not only have the animals removed, but you need the damage repaired, and the exclusion work, or “animal proofing,” done to keep the critters from ever coming back. 

Exclusion work should be done by experts who understand animal behavior and can do the work right the first time around, making sure there are no repeat visits by birds, squirrels, rodents, or other kinds of nuisance animals. While a builder might look at a structure and think that no unwanted creature could possibly get in, while a professional from Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control might look over the building and see countless ways for a squirrel to squeeze inside.

Some people call us in before they’ve had an animal problem, so we can do a full inspection and then animal proof the house or building if necessary. Better to keep a critter from ever getting in, then have to deal with the consequences of them moving inside!