Wildlife Solutions and Pest Control | Encapsulation


When an unwanted animal moves into your house or business property, they don’t exactly respect your things. They make themselves at home and do a lot of damage. And the longer they stick around, the worse that damage gets..

Your best bet is to call Wildlife Solutions & Pest Control at the first sign of an intruder. We will trap and remove the bat, raccoon, squirrel or whatever you may have right away, and then follow up with the most important part of the job—fixing the building issues that allowed the animals to enter your property in the first place!

Without sealing up your house or building, you’ll have a new critter coming in to take the old one’s place before you know it. That’s why exclusion work, i.e. “animal proofing,” is so crucial. In fact, many people choose to call us in to inspect and animal proof their home or business before they ever have a wildlife problem. Easier to prevent the problem than it is to fix it, clean up after it, and make repairs afterwards.